Monday, September 10, 2007

Two sides of two

Spencer just turned two and we had a great celebration for him. Who am I kidding? It was for us. We had a swimming party with a taco truck, beer, wine and water of course -- and the obligatory cake and ice cream. Really it was a good excuse to have a fun end of summer party and much to my delight, people respected our request to not bring gifts.

It is great fun being the mother of a two-year-old. Spencer is starting to develop a sense of humor and tease. We used to sing together "the only thing I eat that's blue are..." and he would fill in "blueberries." Now he says tomatoes. And yes, he knows they aren't blue which is what makes it funny. Hilarious even -- he's very amused by his own cleverness.

He counts and knows colors in English and Spanish, knows some shapes and knows his alphabet in Spanish (if I was at all competitive with the nanny I'd work on English -- but isn't that what kindergarten is for?) and just started playing hide-and-seek with stuffed animals and pretends he's a baby or a cow or dog or cat. He gives great hugs, sticky kisses and is a good eater. At his recent well baby check he told his doctor he likes "broccoli, and ICE CREAM. Special treat. Ice cream." In the same appointment he declared "naked running, like it!" But really, who doesn't?

So he's adorable, sweet, amazing and two. With two comes a whole host of challenges. In no particular order:
1. He hits. For no real reason. His friends, his parents, the dog. It makes me nuts and we haven't been successful in stopping him. We reason, redirect, etc. and to let us know he's heard us loud and clear he hits again.
2. He insists on pushing the stroller and to be honest, he's a terrible driver.
3. He throws tantrums and food and shoes. Last night he threw a bite of salmon that stuck to the wall. We try not to react -- but that was funny. He also takes his shoes off in the car and throws them into the front seat. One landed directly on my shoulder the other day. That was funny too.
4. He's brutally honest. He tells people he doesn't like them (including his cousin and grandma) and we walked into a party on Saturday and he announced "go home now." Which were my sentiments exactly but instead I made nice with the people in renaissance dress (and no, it was not a costume party -- but tell that to the dude in the yellow dress).

And he's perfect just the way he is. Happy Birthday my boy.


Blogger Monica H said...

Happy Birthday to the boy! He really is beautiful which makes up for having to clean salmon off the walls :)

2:37 PM, September 10, 2007  

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