Friday, May 16, 2008

When you know too much

I have to have a conversation today I don't want to have but I must.

The same friend who just announced her pregnancy told me that her cervix is really short so they are going to watch her for the next six weeks or so. A short cervix at around 18 weeks in pregnancy. If you wonder where my mind raced to, you can look no farther than the name of this blog. I'm desperately worried about her -- and I know that I'm going to end up scaring the crap out of her but what can I do?

I need to know how long her cervix is, how they are monitoring her, etc. Does she need an emergency cerclage? Bedrest? Are they monitoring for infection? I don't know if she sees a high risk OB or not. Do I know more than he or she does? As frightening as it sounds I'd say probably.

I'm going to call her. I'm going to try my best not to scare her and I'm probably not going to succeed. It really isn't any of my business but if I can help her get past the scary zone for a loss due to an incompetent cervix I can't think of a more important thing for me to do. Why is doing the right thing always the hardest?


Blogger Monica H said...

Eek! I'm sorry you have to relay this message to her, but if you can help her in any way to save her baby, then I'm sure she'll thank you in the end.

Are you okay?

BTW, I like the new look :-)

3:11 PM, May 16, 2008  

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