Thursday, July 30, 2009

An annual check in

Feeling more and more like writing lately. Not sure exactly about what -- but feel the need to write.

Life under my roof is great. Spencer turns four at the end of August. What a great gift he's been. Hilarious little boy who continues to beg for a baby sister. Sorry little man, we gave our best shot!

Around me things seem to be much more complicated. I think the economy has created an underlying tension that is managing to seep into everything. Our best friend couple are splitting up. There's crazy drama with my uncles in settling my grandmother's estate. We recently had a car accident that totaled our car and the next day my work announced an 8% cut and furlough. Last week we went to the beach for a picnic and a helicopter crashed into the sand about 100 yards from us. Seems to be a very surreal space I'm inhabiting.

I look back at all I covered in the blog and sometimes I feel like my story is such old news and that I should take the blog down -- just when I think that I get an e-mail from a mom who recently had a late loss. I know that after my first loss I so longed for answers, for hope. I'm just glad I can share my journey and offer a glimmer of hope. Keeping my fingers crossed for all of you.


Blogger Monica H said...

Long time no hear stranger!

A lot happened in your life that pretty much led to the creation of this blog. Even when youfeel that you don't have anything to contribute, people (including myself) got a lot from this blog. Don't take it down. It may seem like old hat to you but to someone else it's the beginning of their new life.

That being said, I'm taking down my blog because I'm tired of writing the same old thing. Kidding! I know what you mean though. I often feel the same way about my blog and it seems that I'm just filling up space and time. It's a part of my life, I guess.

So glad to read that you're doing well. I can't believe Spencer turns four next month. it just seems like yesterday he was barely two and making pizza with you in the kitchen.

I hope we don't have to wait so long to hear from you agian. Either way, I'll be thinking of you.

xoxo, Monica

5:50 PM, July 30, 2009  
Blogger BasilBean said...

I am so happy to find a post from you. I can ditto just about everything Monica said.

I get e-mails every few months or so from people who have found my blog to say that it has helped them or to ask me questions. If/when I stop blogging I think I will still leave it up for that reason.* I have you in my links not only because I check in on you but also because I think that people who find my blog will benefit from reading your blog, as I did.

*Since I started reading blogs/blogging three years ago several really good blogs have been taken down. While I understand that the bloggers have their reasons for doing this, I still feel like it is a big loss.

12:18 AM, August 08, 2009  
Blogger KMW said...

Good to see a post from you again. I totally found your blog when I was going through it and it was a huge help. It's nice to see you writing again.

4:24 PM, August 10, 2009  
Blogger JenLCB said...

Please keep your blog up. I just found it and it's both heartbreaking and good reading. I'll check out your new blog.

2:43 PM, July 06, 2010  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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6:59 PM, November 20, 2012  
Blogger Unknown said...

que es una Historia Clínica Cáncer Cervix
Que debe tener una historia clínica para cáncer de cervix ?

7:27 AM, March 03, 2015  

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