Saturday, December 04, 2004

Bon Voyage

I haven't reflected enough on our recent trip to London and Paris. I loved London-- it was our first time -- and about our 8th time to Paris. We love Paris.

I love to travel -- especially to European countries. I try my best to look at the country through the eyes of a local, not a tourist. I'm sure they never mistake me for a local, but I really do enjoy the challenge of veering off the tourist path and discovering life as those who experience it daily.

When we were first dating we went to Europe every year. Our honeymoon was a month traversing Spain, France and Italy. We went year after year with the last trip to Paris on New Years of 2002 with our families.

After that trip we started trying to get pregnant. I got pregnant in May. We lost our baby in September. After some serious damage to my body, not to mention my soul, it took some time before my doctor would let us try again. Try we did -- I got pregnant in June but then miscarried in August at eight weeks. And since August, 2003 nothing.

We didn't travel again because we knew I would be pregnant soon.

There have been so many things in our life that have been put on hold by trying to conceive a baby. Our recent trip provided such a great chance to reconnect and realize that even though we don't have the baby we desparately long for -- we can enjoy each other while we wait for her/him to arrive.


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