Monday, August 27, 2007

Dusting off the keyboard

Been too long since I've updated, I think because I can't quite wrap my head around having another baby or not.

This month I don't even think I ovulated so it sometimes seems that the conversation that goes round and round in my head is a little pointless. When I last spoke to my doctor she suggested trying IUI next go round. My FSH came back at 9.2 which isn't great, but doesn't mean game over -- yet anyway.

The funny thing are the conversations my husband and I have had about this. We have had non-stop company so we have only had 30 seconds here or there but after I spoke with my doctor I sort of figured what do we have to lose? Husband wasn't so sure -- honestly I think because he would have to go to a lab and make a deposit and it is better if only I have to go through the poking, prodding and surgery. That and he's seemed a whole lot more reconciled with the idea of no more kids. Slowly but surely I've been coming around. The thought of giving away all his baby clothes doesn't feel like a solid blow to the stomach any more, and the thought of going back to the sleepless nights just doesn't sound so fun. So I'm thinking no.

Yesterday we had Spencer's 2nd birthday party. 2! deserves its own post but after we went to bed my husband said about the kid thing, and I replied yeah, we done? He said the thought that we won't ever throw a 2-year-old birthday party again makes me sad, let's go for it. I don't even know what to think. If we do go forward I think we need some ground rules and limits for how far we'll go and how many times we'll try. I'll call my doctor tomorrow and find out what we'ld need to do. I'm a little envious of people who know for certain they are done. Would be a lot simpler and I wouldn't waste all this ridiculous time trying to figure it out.

The best thing about the party yesterday. My mom asked a friend of mine if we were going to have more kids since she really can't ask me. I have to say that one benefit of having to work so hard to have a baby is that people are too afraid to ask. Amusing.