Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Do you have any kids?

I was at a board dinner tonight for work and was asked, innocently enough, by the man sitting next to me at dinner if I have any kids.

I hate that question.

A million thoughts go rushing through my mind on what to say which makes me nuts. Why do I overthink this one? If I think about it, will the answer change? Sadly, the answer is really, really easy. No, damn it, I don't.

Instead I replied "no, just a dog." He doen't care if I have a dog -- he probably doesn't even care if I have kids. And besides all that, my dog isn't just a dog, she's the best dog ever.

I hate that question.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

I Love Clomid in Paris in the Fall time....

Off to London and Paris I went with an extra piece of luggage for all of my items needed for the ladies place. I had HPTs, tampons, fertility monitor, sticks and, of course, clomid.

Sorry to say the first round of clomid didn't work. In fact, I didn't even ovulate. I have gotten a peak reading on my monitor for 18 cycles -- until I took clomid. Then nothing. But I digress.

So, I'm on CD10 of my second clomid cycle. The first night of clomid taken in a hotel off the Champs Elysees at midnight; the second at a poker club at midnight; third night at the Concorde metro station at midnight; fourth night at a bistro in the 7th arrondisemont at midnight, with red wine; and the final in business class on the way from London to LA.

It was very sweet, my husband gave the pills a pep talk before I took them. He apparently gives the same pep talk to the "boys" when it is time to try for baby. He's a sweet, sweet man who will make a hell of a papa.

I sure hope this time's a charm!

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

If I ever, I'll never

Dear woman flying with toddler on the United flight from DC to LA today, I can't thank you enough for giving me some important tools once I become a mother. In your honor, I'm creating a list of things I'll never do if I ever become a mom.

1. Don't change your child's poopy diaper at your seat. There's a changing table in the bathroom for a reason. Also, stashing the dirty diaper in the vomit bag doesn't make the smell go away -- it just forces your neighbors to fill their own vomit bags. Blech.

2. Don't bring along a portable DVD player and turn the speakers on 11. If I can hear it from where I'm sitting, your kid will have hearing loss in no time.

3. When asked questions about your child don't anwer "I'm one and a half" because you are not.

I have a feeling this will become a really, really long list.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

If Kerry wins, I'll get knocked up

This may seem totally insane, but I just convinced myself that if Kerry wins I'll get pregnant. This cycle. Today.

Sure it's crazy but, look at our history:

My husband and I met during a senate race in 1992. The year of the Democratic sweep, the year of the woman, the year of Bill Clinton.

For the next 6 years we worked in politics and then got married. Bill Clinton got impeached on our wedding day.

We've had nothing but bad luck since Bush got elected (personally and as a country)but that could all change. Today!

I believe I ovulated in the last 24 hours and would conceive today if it happens.

Conceiving a baby the day we took back the White House? What could be more perfect?

So, if you haven't voted yet, please vote for Kerry!

Our lives depend on it

Please vote today.