Suddenly it all seems real, plus a glimpse of boy bits
She talked about when I'm in labor -- I must have had quite a look, because she said "I said when, not if" we'll get someone else to put the epidural in and we'll do it nice and early. It took a little longer than normal (at least what has been normal lately) to find the heartbeat with the doppler. I was about a minute away from panic when she found it. Phew.
All in all a good visit with the doc. I get to work at least two more weeks -- with a third in negotiation depending on how things go. I may chose not to work the last week I have some freedom so I can do things like get highlights and a haircut, a manicure, pedicure, etc. We'll see.
The most exciting thing came next...the ultrasound. All looked great with my cervix, and the baby's butt was facing out which explains the difficulty in finding the heartbeat. It also gave us a good look at what look very much like boy bits. I figured I'd be too early to find out (14 weeks, 2 days) but it was tough to miss.
So, I'm getting my head around a boy. Our last baby was a girl, so I figured this one would be too. There's nothing rational behind why I thought that, I just did. But I like that this is a whole new journey for us, that has started off extremely well. So well, that I can almost, almost imagine a little boy in our house.