Friday, August 26, 2005

Seriously thinking about a bounce house

Nearly a week overdue and he's still hanging in there. Today is my last day at work. I suppose I could keep working, but realistically this pregnancy has to end sometime soon, right?

That's where the bounce house comes in. Brilliant, I say. Jump, jump, jump and splashdown.

On Tuesday I was dilated to 2 cm and still 60% effaced, so some progress. They did an ultrasound and NST and the baby scored 10 out of 10. We go back again today for more of the same. I saw a different doctor than last week and she didn't push induction at all. I had sort of steeled myself since I felt a bit bullied last week -- but she was great. I see her again this afternoon.

I've been having more cramps and contractions, just not enough to get things moving. Thinking now might be the time to consider packing a bag for the hospital.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Cervix of Steel?


My incompetent cervix is apparently quite competent, overly competent even.

After spending months making sure the baby didn't fall out, he's evidently not coming out -- ever! I'm now a few days past my due date and there are no signs yet that he'll be making an appearance any time soon. I have an ultrasound and NST tomorrow and then we'll decide what to do. My doctor is back on August 30th and we discussed before she left that we'll induce if he's not here by then. Hopefully the boy will decide to show up on his own.

Plus I thought I was having a Leo and now I'm having a Virgo. I don't really follow astrology too much so I'm not even sure what that means. But somehow it seems relevant in an irrelevant sort of way.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

The new big sister

I'm not sure she could be any cuter! She sleeps through the night and is 95% potty trained. We're in love...and now just waiting for the little brother to show up.

Edited to add that she's a West Highland White Terrier. In our experience they are great, independent dogs with very sweet dispositions.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Latest Stats

I'm 1 cm dilated and 60% effaced at 38 1/2 weeks. Just about the same as last week.

We saw my doctor yesterday for probably the last time until after the baby arrives. She leaves on vacation on Saturday for two weeks. Unless I go more than a week late, she's going to miss the wee lad's arrival. Makes me sad since she's been with us from the beginning. I know she's disappointed too -- and even sheepishly brought up induction as a possibility if I was open to it. I'm not. If there was a medical reason I'd have the conversation, but an elective induction because she's going on vacation? That's just not something I can consider.

The thing I'm most excited about today is our new puppy! My husband flies up to Seattle first thing in the morning and will be back with a puppy by 2:30 or so. I can't wait! She's a 12 week old Westie and I think it is awesome that both she and the boy will be showing up around the same time. We'll see if I feel the same way in a few weeks. But in the meantime I'm imagining my house as the most fun place to be in the world -- a puppy AND a baby? I'm so excited!

And you'd think with all these great things happening I'd be in the best mood ever. I am for the most part, but I have developed a bitchy streak. Things come out of my mouth and I see my husband cringe a little and tiptoe away. I don't mean to be grumpy, really, it just happens. I think because I'm getting more and more uncomfortable but still, no good reasons be a bitch, and absolutely no reason to take it out on him. Must be nicer to the sweetest man in the world.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Somebody boil water

I seem to be one of the few people in my life who isn't convinced that a baby is going to fall from my loins at any minute. Can they see something I can't see? Are there baby parts dangling?

My due date is in two weeks and I think we have the critical stuff done. We got the car seat installed yesterday, we have a co-sleeper, we got our first delivery of cloth diapers, I have boobs (in case there is any doubt there, they are big enough to require their own zip code) and we have some fabulous baby attire and blankets, do we have blankets. So, as far as I can tell, we're ready.

And if he waits awhile, which I think he will, we'll be even more ready. There are workers at my house today and tomorrow re-plastering the bathroom and painting the nursery. There's a dresser and crib (sans mattress) in the garage. And I have boobs -- did I mention that?

I'm still working and when anyone asks when I'm due their eyes get all crazy big and they start looking for sheets to tear and water to boil. I feel like I'm missing something here. What should I be panicking about? There's a lot of unknown ahead, but hyperventilating isn't going to help matters -- and it just might make me dizzy.

In the interest of full disclosure, I did have a lot of contractions last night that made me think I ought to think about packing a bag for the hospital. Maybe tomorrow.

I think I might be in denial about what's coming my way!

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Wondering if the shoe will fit

In the next couple of weeks my status in life will change forever. I'm going to become somebody's momma -- and that status won't change for the rest of my life.

What a profound and amazing thing. The enormity of it all is staggering and exciting at the same time. I want to raise the kind of man any woman would be lucky to find. I want him to be kind, loving and respectful. I hope he's smart and funny. And I hope he loves me half as much as I already love him.

What an amazing gift to be able to help someone figure out who they are gong to be. I hope we don't mess this up!